Monday, 10 August 2015

From The Cabbage 2015 - a preview

So here we are. Less than one week to go before the start of what will be, quite possibly, the greatest golfing extravaganza ever seen. EVER.

OK, so that might be an exaggeration but it's certainly going to be a lot of fun. We have eight people, eight sets of golf clubs, four buggies and plenty of beer - what could possibly go wrong?

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

What have you been doing?

At the risk of being repetitive, I am extremely conscious of the paucity of content that I actually take/find the time to create & upload to this site, to the extent that I can't really count myself as a blogger. That self-flagellation aside, my 2015 has, thus far, yielded more golf experiences than I had expected and that's certainly been the silver lining to what was a 'testing' start to the year from an employment perspective. There has been a knock-on effect to golfing plans, the details of which are outlined here alongside a glimpse into what has gone before, plus what's to come in the second half of the year.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Agony of False Hope

According to some statistical analysis, with all appropriate nods to Mark Twain, being capable of regularly shooting in the low/mid 80s (& occasionally threaten the high 70s) puts me in the relative elite of amateur golfers. So why are there so many occasions where this notion seems so fanciful?

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

2014 - my golfing year pt2

I had previously documented the array of golfing exploits from the first half of 2014 - this is the (long-overdue) second part of my review of a golfing year.

Monday, 12 January 2015

2014 - my golfing year pt1

Back in January, I had committed my thoughts to blog about what the golfing year would have in store for me. Now, re-reading that entry, some 11 months later, it's interesting to see what transpired and, as I will outline here, how many great things happened that could not have been predicted. I hope you enjoy reading it.