Monday, 2 April 2012

2012 golfing goals - Q1 progress report

I have previously published my (short) list of golfing goals for 2012 and so, with the first three months passing by, I thought I would produce the first quarterly progress report. This will help me understand and stay on top of these ambitions and what is left to do in order to complete them before the year is out.

The first goal I set was to play at least ten rounds during the year. This doesn't sound like many, particularly to those of you who are club members and every Saturday is set aside for your weekly roll up. As a P-TG with a young family, and as far away from being joining a golf club as ever, this does present more of a challenge. In 2011, I was averaging a round every four to six weeks so, by remaining on that frequency, I could expect to play anywhere between 8 and 13 rounds of golf during 2012. Taking into account the new arrival, poor weather, family holidays, etc, etc (not to mention the desire to keep my goal achievable), I opted for a target of ten.

So where am I against this target at the end of Q1? Well, I have played four rounds of golf since the turn of the year (1st Jan, 10th, 24th & 31st March) which, to be honest, is a bit unexpected. Add to the equation the bonus of the free membership at Colmworth & N Beds GC, I already have two more rounds booked over the Easter weekend. This puts me well on track to exceed my target, particularly when I take into account the Tweet Golf Cup trip in August which will bring another three rounds over one weekend.

VERDICT: I am giving myself a 7/10 for this goal - doing well, but more by luck than judgement

Second up from my 2012 goals was the sorting out of an official handicap. This is something that had bothered me for some time and I had toyed with a number of solutions. Clearly, the obvious, albeit expensive, option is to strap on a pair and join a local golf club but, for well-documented reasons, that is neither financially prudent nor practically possible at this current time. I did briefly investigate the concept of a handicap membership at a golf club. This is something that I had heard about through Twitter, the broad idea being that you pay an annual membership fee plus a discounted green fee for each round of golf you want to play and this allows you to enter competitions and, vitally, secure a CONGU handicap.

Given the main reason for wanting to do this was in advance of the Tweet Golf Cup trip, I didn't think this was the best use of limited financial resources and so I opted to join the Golfer's Club Great Britain, an online organisation which allows you to maintain a recognised (though unoffical) handicap for a minimal membership fee. I have now submitted my initial three cards and have received my handicap card back - I will kick off with a handicap of 11.

VERDICT: I feel that I deserve 8/10 for this goal - the handicap isn't CONGU, which won't allow me to take part in other events, such as the Trilby Tour Pre-Qualifiers, but it's a start

My third goal for 2012 was the participation in the Tweet Golf Cup, an 18-hole, four-person-team Stableford competition to be played over the impressive and intimidating Dundonald Links golf course in Ayrshire. As I wrote previously, the entry of my team, Never Up Never In, has been accepted and we are greatly looking forward to taking part in what promises to be a great day out.

There has been a minor change to the composition of my team. Geoff, one of my oldest friends and team-mate from the 2011 Macmillan Longest Day Challenge, has gone and got his other half pregnant and so his pink slip has, unfortunately but understandably, been rescinded handed back in. I put some feelers out to a number of people to gauge interest in being involved before receiving a positive response from my wife's uncle John. I've played golf a number of times with John and he's great value - his game has improved dramatically over the last few years and he'll be a welcome addition to the team.

VERDICT: I can only claim a 5/10 for this goal as it's not complete yet - the team is sorted, my pink slip is approved and the team is entered & paid for but we are still to finalise travel plans, book accommodation and  finalise additional golf before and after the main event.

So there we are - my Q1 progress report and a running total of 20/30 which, I feel, is a good position to be in at this early stage in the year.

Next review date - 1st July 2012

I am the Part-Time Golfer

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